“StraitMetropolis Daily”:
Unexpectedly the lanyards of certificates for LondonOlympics were manufactured by the people of Zhangpu
Please seethe related report of “ Strait Metropolis Daily” about our factory:
South Fujian Network On August 2 Chinese athletes won and struggledfor gold medals & silver medals, outside the arenas & inside the arenasthere were full of “ Chinese elements”.
From the lanyards of official certificates ofOlympic Games & its peripheral products’ strings, it hides a strugglehistory of Zhangpu people during 20 years. His name is Jianming Chen, who isthe boss of a weaving string inGuangdong province. He started from shoelace manufacture, now the products ofhis company become the official specified products of Olympics etc largeinternational tournamentsfor several times.
In the small hours of July 28, the celebrityShiqi Pan forwarded a piece of microblog which was about the certificate cardwearing on the breast of the reporter. An Internet friend—Jacky from Shenzhenremarked : “ the lanyard of reporter certificate is produced by our factory.”
This internet friend –Jacky from Shenzhenis just Jieming Chen. For this Olympic Games, his company produced the officialpassing lanyards, totally 700 thousand pcs, among them 550 thousand pcs areused for Olympic Games, 150 thousand pcs are used for Paralympics. In addition,the official parters of Olympics also authorize his company to produce thelanyards for peripheral products.
Why would London Olympic Games OrganizingCommittee show more favor to Jieming Chen? Jieming Chen said, the year beforelast he went to Canton Fair and arose the attention of the procurement agencyof Olympic Games Organizing Committee. After visit of the procurement agencyand the factory inspection of Third Party Authority, the procurement agencydecided to cooperate with Jieming Chen.
“ Not onlyraw material but also procedures of our products are friendly-environmental,without any heavy metals and carcinogens.” After confirming quality guarantee,consulting with Olympic Games Organizing Committee and confirming lanyardsdesign drawing, they spent less than one month on production of 700 thousandlanyards with four or five thousand workers, working overtime.
Jieming Chen was born in Zhangpu, in thebeginning of nineties of last century, he graduated from Zhangzhou IndustrialSchool, followed his family to Guangdong province for work.
“At that time there weremany business opportunities all over the province of Guangdong, in 1992 I lent50 thousand Yuan from my relatives and friends. I opened a small factory inDongguan, specially engaged in shoelace manufacture, among our cooperativepartners there were some international brands.”
Through shoelacemanufacture, Jieming Chen won the first pot of gold. In the middle and lateyears of nineties of last century, Internet developed. He seized theopportunity to enlarge the distribution channels by Internet, and beganreceiving the orders all over the world. The company scale was growing and theproducts had more and more types. “ I’m one of the earliest clients of Alibaba.For the future, we will develop more products and enhance product quality.” ( Strait Metropolis Daily reporter of South Fujian Network –YangningZhou)
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